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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 976   View pdf image (33K)
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53 00

Monumental Steamboat Company, 1877 to 1881...............

27 65

Maryland Mutual Permit Building and Loan Company,

1878 to 1879 ........................................ ..........

24 14

Mt. Clare Permanent Loan and Building Association, 1879

8 36

Mechanics' Lexington Permanent Building and Loan Asso-

ciation No. 6, 1879 and 1680... ...............................

32 29

Monumental Permanent Building and Savings Society No. 5,

1879 and 1880................ .............. ......... ...

7 05

Madison Square Building Association No. — , 1879 to 1882 .

87 08

Mechanics' Hall Perpetual Loan and Savings Society, 1879

to 1882........................................................ ........

208 88

Mt. Vernon Building Association No. 2, 1879 to 1882.........

49 32

Mechanics' Western Permanent Building Society, 1879

to 1882........................ ... . ..........................

267 44

Mt. Vernon Building Association No 3, 1881 to 1882........

9 14

Maryland Industrial and Chemical Company, 1880 to 1882.
Monumental Gasoline Street Lamp Manufacturing Com-

20 62

pany, 1880 to 1887...................................................

55 36

Maryland Pharmaceutical Company, 1883 to 1889..............

77 55

Maryland Creamery and Packing Company, 1885..............

17 30

New Michael's Building Association, 1879 to 1882... . ...

55 66

" " " " No 2, 1879 to 1882.. ..

24 24

North Howard Building Association No. 3, 1879 to 1881.....

111 48

" " " " No. 4, 1879 to 1881.....

49 16

6 30

North Bond Street Building Association No 7, 1879 ...........


North Broadway Building Association No 3, 1879..... . ..


" " " " No. 4, 1879 to 1881..

42 40

North Baltimore Mutual Loan Association No 2, 1879 to


42 68

New River Land and Lumber Company, 1884..........

2 25

North Baltimore Athletic Association, 1885 .......... ..........


National Pharmacy Association 1886-1889...........

51 40

National Farmers' Fireside Publishing Co., 1887 to 1890.....

14 40

Ore Knob Copper Company, 1878 to 1883............................

2, 927 81

Orleans Building Association "B," 1879 to 1880 ...............

19 61

Patapsco Company, 1872 to 1879 ....................................

1, 772 74

People's Permanent Land and Loan Co , 1879 and 1880... .

2 58

Portland Street Perpetual Savings and Building Association
No. 1, 1879 and 1880 ....... ................... . .

30 48

Pulaski Building Association No. 2 1879

3 46

Progress Building Association No. 4, 1879 ......................

14 82

Potomac Building Association, 1879 and 1880 ....................

33 47

Patapsco Building Association No 2, 1879............. .......

17 55

Petrus Building Association, 1879 and 1882.......................

9 42

Payson Street Building Association, 1879 to 1680...............

26 79

Pine Street Loan and Building Association, 1879 to 1880.....

18 86

Petrus Building Association, No. 6, 1879 to 1882...............

37 07

Pottery Hall Building Association, 1879............ ..............

12 27

Patent Safety Extinguisher Lamp Company, 1881 to 1885 .

58 68

Prondentia of Baltimore, 1882....... .......... ... . .......

2 16

Potomac Steam Boat Company, 1882 to 1885........ ............
Perseverance Permanent Building and Loan Company,

234 37

1884 and 1885 ... .................................................

9 52

Powhattan Steam Boat Company, 1875...........................

189 10

Paducah Water Supply Company, 1886 and 1887...............

90 00

Piedmont Manganese and Iron Company, 1887 and 1888.. .

54 75

Preston Land Company, 1888 .........................................

1 17

Postal Package Company, 1888 and 1889.........................

12 42

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 976   View pdf image (33K)
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