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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 975   View pdf image (33K)
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Fourth German American Building Association, 1879.........

136 49

Fifth German American Building Association, 1879...........

77 95

Franklin Square Building & Loan Association, 1879 and 1880.

57 30

Flexible Wood Package Company, 1884 to 1889.................

183 90

Ford Acme Eenovater Company, 1886 to 1889....................

9 74

Granite Roofing Company, 1875 to 1882...........................

59 43

German Homestead Association, 1876 to 1879 ...................

42 64

George Schwerem Building Association, No. 2, 1879 to 1881.

59 95

German Building and Savings Association, No. 4, 1879 .....

39 96

Greenmount Mutual Building Association, 1879 and 1880...

124 67

George Washington Building Association, "H," 1879......

19 42

" " " " "G," 1879......

22 00

" " F " 1879

44 14

German Savings Association, No 2, 1879 to 1880..............

107 24

Germania Goodwill Building Association, 1879 to 1880.......

31 42

German Building and Savings Association, No. 5, 1879.......

9 97

Grant Building Association, No. 5, 1879.........................

51 87

George Washington Building Association, "E," 1879 to 1881
Great Eastern Building Association, No. 6, 1879 to 1882......

44 67
45 81

Goodyear Rubber Company, 1879. ................................

56 25

Germania Building Association, No. 17, 1879 to 1882.........

22 16

" " " No. 15, 1872 to 1882...... ,

72 12

Gough Street Building Association, No. 6, 1879 to 1882......

94 60

Germania Building Association, No. 16, 1879 to 1882.........

77 92

Gustav Adolph Building and Loan Association, 1879 to 1882

47 84

Guadaloupe Quicksilver Company, 1885 and 1886 .............

37 50

Hampshire and Baltimore Coal Company, 1865 to 1869 .....

601 80

Harlem Stage Company, 1879 to 1887..............................

169 01

Hampstead Building Association, No. 9, 1875 to 1880.......

329 51

Harlem Omnibus Company, 1888 and 1889 .....................

29 26

Harlem Permanent Building Association, 1876 to 1882.......

449 52

Harmony Permanent Loan and Savings Company, 1879......

18 66

Howard Relief Building Association, No. 3, 1879 to 1880..

80 40

Home Building Association No. 4, 1879 to 1882........ .......

27 30

" " No 5, 1879 ..........................

197 44

" " " No. 6, 1879 to 1882.................

54 58

" " " No. 7, 1879...........................

144 34

" " No. 8, 1379............................

18 47

Harrison Permanent Building Association, 1879.................

44 29

Harrison Building Association No 9, 1879 and 1880...........

98 79

Hampstead Building Association No. 11, 1879 and 1880 ....

53 36

" " "No 12, 1879 to 1882.

124 96

Harrison Building Association No. 14, 1879 ....................

21 62

No. 15, 1879.....................

7 47

Hyde Turbine Soap Company, 1880 to 1882......................

16 68

Hoop's Artificial Stone Cement Company, 1883 to 1885 ......

94 69

Hake Manufacturing Company, 1886 to 1888....................

44 20

Independent Building Association No. 6, 1879. ................

15 04

Industrial Permanent Building Association No 3, 1880 to


15 96

Improved Artesian Well Company, 1883 to 1886... ...........

4 80

Kenrick Building Association No. 4, 1879 to 1881..............

343 32

Light Street Building and Savings Association, 1879 to 1880.

13 36

Liberal Building Association, 1879 and 1880.............. ....

161 62

Lexington Monumental Building Association No 2, 1879 .

58 34

Lloyd Street Mutual Building Association No. 5, 1875 to


78 12

Loyola Permanent Building Association No. 5, 1879 to 1882

109 62

Loyola Permanent Building Association, 1879 to 1881 .......

1 39

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 975   View pdf image (33K)
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