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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 974   View pdf image (33K)
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Bohemia Workingmen's Permanent Building Association

No. 1, 1879 to 1881........... ................... .........

19 98

Bee Hive Building Association, 1879.................................

10 58

Butcher's Building Association No 1,1879 to 1882............

17 84

Berlin Building Association No 3, 1879...........................

16 78

Baltimore Cold Storage Refrigerator Company, 1884...........


Baker's Co-operative Association, 1885 to 1889..................

4 40

Central National Bank, 1871 to 1875................................

1,936 62

Calvert Iron and Nail Company, 1871

57 75

Canton Copper Works, 1871 . .................... ................

368 25

Corner Hill and Sharp Street Building Association No. 2,

1879 and 1880 ....... ....... ...................................

36 62

Ceres Manufacturing Company, 1884 to 1888......................

363 06

Central Union Permanent Building Ass'n , 1879 and 1880.....

163 81

Caroline Street Permanent Building Ass'n , No. 1, 1879 ...

2 18

Commercial Mutual Building Association, 1879........ ......

60 80

Clark Combination Lock Company, 1879 to 1881..... ........

18 74

City of Baltimore Building Association No. 2, 1879......... .

5 89

Columbia Building Association No. 5, 1879. . .................

39 48

" " " No 6, East Baltimore, 1879

65 24

Chew Street Bohemia Association No. 1, 1879 and 1880......

15 62

Centennial Building Association No 1, 1879....................

29 19

Citizens' Permanent Building, Savings and Loan Company,

1879andl880 ...................... .... ........... ......

7 46

Central Mutual Building Association, 1879.......................

43 63

Chariot Stage Company, 1880 ................... ................

16 72

Carroll Decorative Plate Glass Company, 1885 to 1887........

1 10

Chesapeake Belting Company, 1887 ................................

34 69

Co-operative Druggist Ware Glass Company, 1887 to 1890..

36 02

Duffy Malt Whiskey, 1885.......................................... .


Danskin Shirt Manufacturing Company, 1876 .................

4 04

Druid Hill Building Association No 2, 1879 and 1880.......

99 80

" " " and Savings Association, 1879............

18 99

" " Avenue National Building Association,

1879 and 1880........ ......... ...............................

19 60

David Reis Permanent Loan & Savings Association, 1879...

9 87

Druid Hill Permanent Building and Savings Association,

1880 and 1881............................... ... ...................

3 58

Druid Cyclist Club of Maryland, 1886.............................

1 80

East Street Perpetual Building Association, 1877 to 1880...

24 54

Eastern National Building Association, No. 4, 1879 and 1880

11 58

East Monument Street Permanent Building and Savings

Association, 1879 ... ................ ....... . .........


Eager Street Building Association, No. 6, 1879 and 1880.....

32 68

Exchange Mutual Permanent Building Association, 1879

and 1880...............................................................

82 03

Excelsior Permanent Building Association, 1879 ......... ...

14 31

Exchange) Permanent Savings and Loan Association, 1879 .

8 15

Entaw Building Association, No. 7, 1879 .........................

35 53

Enterprise Building and Loan Association, 1879 ...............

6 87

Emory Street Permanent Building & Loan Association, 1879.

23 92

Eagle Loan and Building Association, 1880

3 15

First Monumental Co-operative Boot and Shoe Manufactur-

ing Company, 1874 to 1888.......................................

233 44

Fulton Street Permanent Building Association, 1876 to 1889.

231 30

Franklin Telegraph Company, 1875 to 1879......................

88 25

Fort Avenue Permanent Building Association, 1877 to 1879.

36 32

Forrest Street Building Association, No. 6, 1879................

14 70

" " " " No. 5, 1879 and 1880 .

69 56

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 974   View pdf image (33K)
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