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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 973   View pdf image (33K)
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Gaithersburg Mutual Building Association, 1879...............

$ 21 19


Hyattsville Building Company, 1876 ......... ...................

5 13


Maryland Fruit Packing Company, 1881..........................

$ 93


Shanahan & Wrightson Hardware Company, 1888. ..........

$ 44 38

Talbot County Paper Mills Company, 1883 and 1884..........

31 88

Trappe Building Association, 1879 to 1881........................

76 65


Citizens' National Bank of Hagerstown, 1872 to 1878.........

$ 399 53

Hagerstown Wheel Company, 1885.................. ............

2 81

Hagerstown Manufacturing Company, 1878 to 1838.... ......

221 46

Hagerstown Agricultural Implement and Manufacturing

Company, 1876 to 1880................ ...... .... .

431 09

Hancock Building and Loan Association, No. 2, 1876 to 1882.

24 75

Hancock Building and Loan Association, No 1, 1876 to 1877.

20 70

Manufacturing Company, 1871................... ... .........

77 50

Washington Leather Manufacturing Company, 1871..........

80 85

Washington County E. R. Company, 1871 ..... .................

770 00

Williamsport Manufacturing Company, 1882 to 1887 .........

43 47


Standard Truck Barrel Company, 1890 ...........................

$ 4 44


Ashland Permanent Building and Land Co., 1878 to 1880

$ 12 96

Amicable Permanent Building and Land Co , 1877 to 1880.

132 65

Astor Mutual Building Association, 1878 ............. .........

89 93

American Manufacturing Company, 1883

46 88

Aurora Permanent Building and Savings Association, 1879.

32 20

Alphonsus Hall Building Association, No. 14, 1879

19 80

Alphonsus Hall Building Association, No. 13, 1879

27 24

Alphonsus Hall Building Association, No. 12, 1879 ...........

14 23

Atlantic Building Association, 1879 and 1880 .... . ......

18 22

Asbury Building Association, No 3, 1880.........................

18 87

Automatic Elevator Hatchway Door Company, 1883 to 1888

$ 57 78

A and H. Flexible Flonne Company, 1887 and 1888.........
Baltimore Combustion Attachment Company, 1884............
Border State Savings Institution, 1883 and 1885 .............

8 58
3 75
12 88

Baltimore Bridge Company, 1877 to 1881... . ................

54 57

Baltimore Plow Company, 1878 to 1887...........................

150 01

Baltimore Perpetual Building Association, 1879...............

3 65

Brick Company, 1879...................................................

56 25

Butcher's Hill Building Association No 3, 1879 to 1882......

22 24

Berlin Building Association No 4, 1879 ........ ................

10 03

Balto. Planing Mill and Manufacturing Co , 1879 and 1880

$ 27 77

Border State Perpetual Building Association No. 2, 1879.....

1 22

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 973   View pdf image (33K)
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