volume second, provided, first, that said volume shall con-
tain a table of cases, from first Hasris' and McHenry's
reports to seventy-six, Maryland Reports, inclusive, compris-
ing one hundred and seventeen volumes, a table of cross
references to the contents of volumes first and second of
said Index, so as to form a complete guide to both of said
volumes and an accurate digest of the decisions contained
in volumes sixty-two to volumes seventy-six inclusive of the
Maryland Reports, comprising fifteen volumes, provided,
further, that any three judges of the Court of Appeals
shall certify that in their opinions the said second volume
of said Index is well and faithfully executed and deserves
the patronage of the State; and provided further, that
said two hundred and fifty copies shall be exchanged for
similar publications in other States and distributed as the
State reports are now distributed by law, retaining thirty
five copies for the use of the State Library, and provided
further that the price of said second volume of said Index
shall not exceed ten dollars per copy.
NO. 33.
Joint resolutions requesting the Senators and Represen-
tatives of this State in the Congress of the United States,
to vote for and urge the passage of the bill now pending in
Congress, known as the "Hatch bill," prohibiting the spec-
ulation in options and the dealing in "futures."
WHEREAS, there is now pending in the Congress of the
United States, a bill to prohibit the speculation in
"options" and dealing in "futures," which is for the
protection of the agricultural interest of the country from
the greed and pernicious practices of gamblers ; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
this General Assembly expresses an earnest desire that the
Congress of the United States speedily pass the bill known
as the "Hatch bill," to prohibit the dealing in "futures"
and speculation in "options" and that a copy of this pre-
amble and resolution be sent to the Senators and Represen-
tives in Congress.