Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Joint com-
request embraced in the letter and joint resolution of the
Legislature of Virginia referred to in the preambles of this
joint resolution be and is hereby acceded to, and that the
said joint committee be and they are hereby continued with
the power specified in the following resolutions ;
2d. And be it further resolved, That the joint com-
mittee heretofore appointed by the joint resolution of the
General Assembly of this State, passed on the third day of
on joint
February, 1892, consisting of the Honorables Levin L.
" Waters, Thomas G. Hayes and Washington Wilkinson on
the part of the Senate, and the Honorables Conway W.
Sams, James E. Ellegood, Alonzo L. Miles, Robert C.
Combs and Noah C. Sterling on the part of the House of
Delegates to confer with the Legislature of Virginia as to
the necessary concurrent legislation in relation to the taking
of oysters, fish and crabs in the waters of the Potomac and
Pocomoke, and for other purposes, be and they are hereby
continued, and the powers heretofore conferred upon the
said committee by the said joint resolution, as well as any
additional powers which may be necessary in response to
the suggestions and request of the joint resolution of Vir-
ginia and letter referred to in the preambles of this joint
resolution be and are hereby conferred upon said joint com-
mittee, and said joint committee is hereby authorized to
meet and confer with a similar committe, appointed by the
Legislature of Virginia, during the recess of the General
Assembly of the respective States.