NO. 8.
Joint resolution by the General Assembly of Maryland
containing the joint committee of the Senate and House of
Delegates, heretofore appointed, and authorizing the said
committee to confer with a similar committee from the Leg-
islature of Virginia during the recess of this General
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Maryland, now in
session assembled, has passed a joint resolution appoint-
ing a joint committee to visit the Legislature of Virginia
and confer with that body in relation to the proper legis-
lation concerning the taking of oysters, fish and crabs in
the waters of the Potomac and Pocomoke, and other mat-
ters germane thereto as set forth in the said resolution, and
requesting to know the will of the Legislature of Virginia
as to the time at which it would be agreeable to that body
to receive the said joint committee of Maryland ; and
WHEREAS, a copy of said resolution was duly communicated
to the Legislature of Virginia through His Excellency,
the Governor of this State ; and
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia, by joint
resolution passed February 15th, 1892, referred the joint
resolution of the General Assembly of this State to the com-
mittee offish and game of the Senate, and the committee
on the Chesapeake and its tributaries of the House of Dele-
gates of the State of Virginia, with power and request to
communicate with the joint committee of this State on the
subject matter of the said resolution, and to determine upon
such time as may be convenient to receive the said joint
committee for the purposes set forth therein ; and
WHEREAS, the aforesaid committees on the part of the
General Assembly of Virginia, by communication dated
February 20th, 1892, made known to the aforesaid joint
committee of this State their desire to confer with the said
committee upon the subject of said resolution, and other
matters named in said communication, but stated that the
heavy pressure of work to be accomplished during the few
remaining days of their session renders it impracticable to
give the matter the attention it deserves, and suggested the
appointment of committees on the part of the Legislatures
of the respective States to confer during the vacation of
the respective Legislatures upon the important matters
contained in the aforesaid joint resoulutions and commu-
nication, therefore be it