WHEREAS, during the recent centennial celebration of the
events by the citizens and Representatives of the Repub-
lic of Prance and the United States of America, the hope
was expressed by the descendants of the officers of both
France and America, who commanded on the field in one
thousand seven hundred and eighty one, that the farm
and house should he preserved and perpetuated as a
memorial of the friendly alliance which then and ever
since has existed between the people of the two nations,
as well as in respect to the memories of those who fell in
or survive the struggle that ended the protracted war, and
gave peace and hope to a then impoverished people, and
WHEREAS, it is stated, the property can at this time be
secured for a nominal sum, and that the product of the
farm will probably be ample to preserve and keep the build-
ings in repair, and which are so located as to be well
adapted for government purposes on occasions of naval
inspections and reviews on York River, and
WHEREAS, the sentiments expressed by representatives of
the French Republic and descendants of French officers
who commanded on the field at Torktown during their
recent visit to participate in the centennial celebration,
in conjunction with the descendants of the colonial offi-
cers, was that this government should take charge of and
preserve and perpetuate the property ; and believing this
to be also the sentiments of the American people in gen-
eral, therefore
SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the United States Senators from the State
of Temple
Farm and
of Maryland, and the Representatives in Congress be and
they are hereby requested, to prepare and support a bill for
the purchase of the Temple Farm and Moore House at
Yorktown, Virginia, by the Government of the United
States of America. Provided, the cost of the said farm and
all improvements shall not exceed a reasonable price, and
that the State of Virginia, shall exempt the same from
SEC. 2. And be it resolved, That engrossed copies of this
Copy of
preamble and joint resolution be sent to the United States
Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of