Therefore be it resolved, That the joint committee afore-
said be and they are hereby authorized and empowered on.
Joint com-
behalf of the State of Maryland, to make known to the
Legislature of Virginia, at such time and in such manner as
may be agreeable to the said Legislature of Virginia the
desire of the General Assembly of Maryland for such concur-
rent legislation touching and concerning the taking of oys-
ters, fish and crabs in the waters of the Potomac and Poco-
moke as shall tend to promote the most friendly relations
between the said commonwealths and the mutual advantages
of their respective citizens.
Be it further resolved, That it is the sense of the General
Assembly of Maryland that there should be concurrent legis-
lation between said States regulating the taking of oysters,
fish and crabs in the said waters, not only as to the time and
manner of taking them but also the size of the same when
so taken.
Be it further resolved, That it is the sense of the General
Assembly of Maryland, that the citizens of the respective
States aforesaid should have equal and like privileges of
taking oysters, fish and crabs in and from the waters of the
Potomac and Pocomoke.
Be it further resolved, That a copy of this joint resolution
be sent at once under the great seal of Maryland by the
Secretary of State of Maryland, to the Governor of the com-
Copy to be
sent to the
monwealth of Virginia with the respectful request that the
same be communicated to the Legislature of Virginia, and
that the will of the Legislature of Virginia, as to the time
at which it will be agreeable to that body to receive the said
joint committee of Maryland be communicated to the Gover-
nor of Maryland at as early a day as may be convenient.
NO. 6.
Joint resolution instructing the Senators and requesting
the Representatives in Congress from Maryland to take
action with a view to securing and preserving Temple Farm
and the Moore House at Torktown, Virginia, by the United
WHEREAS, the Moore House and Temple Farm upon which
it is situated at Yorktown, Virginia, will carry with them
through all time the memories of the siege and victory by
which the allied armies of France and the American
colonies secured our uation's independence ; and