and the said company deem it necessary to pass through
the said land for the said road, then the president and
directors of the company shall have the power of condem-
nation given by sections 248, 249, 250, 251, and 252 of arti-
cle 23 of the Code of Public General Laws.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That on the payment or tender
of payment to the owner or owners of land so condemned of
the amount of damages which may have been assessed by
said inquisition, after the same shall have been confirmed
by said court, the said company shall be at liberty to take
possession of said land, and construct said road thereon,
and do such other acts therein as may be lawfully done ;
and the said company is also empowered to erect and make
and keep in repair all such bridges or culverts as may be
necessary, so as not to obstruct however the free current of
streams or water courses
SEC. S. And be it enacted, That the said company, having
perfected at least one mile of said road, shall have power to
erect on and across said road one toll-gate, and collect and
receive from all persons using said road the tolls provided
for in section- five of this act ; with power to reduce the
rates of toll whenever they see fit ; provided, no toll shall
be charged any person for passing over said road from one
part of their farm to another in the ordinary prosecution of
their farm work, nor persons passing through said gate with
a funeral procession.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said company having
perfected the said road, it shall and may be lawful for them
to appoint such and so many toll-gatherers as they shall
think proper, to collect and receive of and from all and every
person using the said roads such tolls and rates as the
president and directors may think just and expedient, not
exceeding however the tolls and rates above prescribed and
authorized by this charter to be charged, and to stop any
person riding, leading, or driving any horses, cattle, hogs,
sheep, or any kind of chaise, cart, wagon, sled, sleigh, car-
riage, buggy or other vehicle of pleasure or burthen from
passing through said gate until they shall have paid the
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
whosoever, riding or driving or leading any animal or thing
for which tolls are presented by this act, shall pass througl
any private gate or bar, passageway or other ground, witl
the intention to defraud the said company and avoid the
payment of the toll or duty for passing through any of its
gates or turnpikes, such person or persons in all or any of