ering the same, and the probable cost thereof shall be sat-
isfied that the public interest will be promoted thereby, they
may direct the expenditure of an amount not exceeding
three hundred dollars per mile, provided the petitioner or
petitioners for such improvement shall first pay to the
county commissioners an amount equal to that appropriated
by the county commissioners, and all such money shall be
expended under the direction of the supervisor of the dis-
trict where the improvements are to be made.
SEC. 113. And be it enacted, That whenever any owner of
property in Howard Comity shall have opened, laid out, or
graded any avenue or road thirty feet wide for the public
use and convenience and is willing to dedicate the same
to the
uses by a good and sufficient deed duly recorded the com-
missioners are hereby authorized to accept the same, if in
their opinion the same be necessary and convenient for public
use and upon such acceptance the said avenue or road so
dedicated shall be kept in good order and repair by the road
supervisors of the district in which it may be situate, pro-
vided however that before said road shall be accepted as
aforesaid, the said county commissioners shall satisfy them-
selves that said avenue or road is full thirty feet in width
and has been properly graded.
SEC. 115. Ana be it enacted, That whenever any doubt
exists as to the proper location and width of any road, the
supervisor of the district, under the direction of the county
ment of
commissioners may cause the same to be surveyed, and make
such alterations as the public convenience may require, sub-
ject to the rights of any person to the provisions contained
in the laws for the opening of new roads.
SEC. 119 A. And be it further enacted, That on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November eighteen hun-
Vote for or
dred and ninety -two (1892), the same being the seventh day,
road law.
of said month, the Commissioners of Howard County shall
submit to the legal voters of Howard County, the question
whether they will vote for or against the making of a levy
on the assessable property of said county an additional tax of
not less than twenty cents nor more than thirty cents on the
hundred dollars for the use of the county roads ; and they
shall cause to be printed or written on the ballots to be used
at said election the words "For Road Law" "Against
Road Law," and if at said electiou any one or more of said
election districts shall vote in favor of said road law, less
than the whole number of said election districts, then said
law shall apply only to that or to those election districts, in
which a majority of the votes shall have been cast in favor