person shall have been notified by the road supervisor to
remove said obstructions and shall have failed so to do for
the space of two days after said notification, and provided
farther that the person so placing said obstructions in or
upon the public road or in the side ditches thereof, shall be
liable for a fine of five dollars for each day that he permits
said obstruction to remain, the said fine to be in addition
to the original fine of five dollars, which said additional fine
shall be imposed by said justice and enforced in like manner
as said original fine, and the said justice of the peace shall
pay over to the county commissioners of Howard County
said fine when received by him to be placed to the credit of
the district in which it has been imposed, and said fine shall
be collected as other fines are collected by justices of the
SEC. "110. And be it enacted, That the county com-
Levy for
missioners shall annually levy upon the assessable property
of Howard County at the time of making the county levy
not less than twenty cents or more than thirty cents on the
one hundred dollars, for the use of the county roads, which
shall be collected as other county taxes are collected, and
the tax so levied and collected for roads shall be set apart
as a special road fund which shall be for the use and benefit
of that district from which it has been collected, and for
no other purpose.
SEC. 111. And be it enacted, That of the taxes levied and
set apart as a special road fund not less than three-fourths
fund ? how
thereof shall be expended in the purchase of broken stone
or other hard material to be used on the roads in such
manner as the commissioners with the assistance of the '
supervisor may determine unless on application of the tax-
payers resident in the neighborhood the commissioners may
determine upon any section of road to devote a larger pro-
portion than one-fourth of such fund, to grading or other
pressing needs ; and the county commissioners may, if it
shall appear to be in the interest of economy purchase one
or more stone crushers out of the fund set apart as the gen-
eral road fund for the purpose of crushing stone for use of the
roads to be operated in such manner as they shall determine.
SEC. 112. And be it enacted, That whenever any person or
persons shall desire to improve any road to an extent beyond
tions for
that contemplated by the county commissioners, and the
supervisors of the district when it is located, he or they
may make application to the commissioners by petition
setting forth the location of the road to be improved, the
extent and character of the improvement, and the probable
cost thereof, and if the county commissioners after consid-