appointed whose duty it shall be to aid and assist the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee in carrying into effect the
provisions of this article. The Democratic State Central
Committee and each member of each Democratic District
Executive Committee shall make oath or affirmation before
some justice of the peace of the county, faithfully and dili-
gently to perform his duty to the best of his ability, and in
good faith to carry into effect the provisions of this article,
and to endeavor to secure a fair election and to the Demo-
cratic District Executive Committee, shall be entrusted the
duty of delivering to the judges of elections the ballots to
be used in their respective districts at the primary election.
153 B. It shall be the duty of the Democratic State Cen-
tral Committee, to have the ballots prepared and to issue
instructions as to the manner of marking and using the same.
And it shall be the duty of the Democratic District
Executive Committee to have posted the sample ballot at
the polling place in their respective districts, at the open-
ing of the polls. And when delegates for nominating con-
ventions for county offices are to be voted for and also
delegates for other purposes on the same day the hours for
holding the primary elections shall be as prescribed in sec-
tion one hundred and forty -nine of this article for electiug
delegates to nominating conventions for county offices, and
one set of delegates may be empowered to act in one or
more capacities.
153 C. The ballots shall be prepared three days previous
to any primary election, exclusive of the day of their
preparation and the day of election, and the names of the
various district candidates for the nominating or other con-
vention shall be handed into the Democratic State Central
Committee at least five days previous to the day of election
in order that the ticket may be properly framed and pre-
pared, and instructions issued as to its use. And in case of
the absence of any delegate from death or otherwise from
the convention his place may be supplied by the other ,
members of the delegation.
153 D. The county supervisors of the general election are
boxes, &c.
authorized, empowered and directed to furnish the voting
shelves and other furniture and ballot boxes used at the
general elections to the several Democratic District Execu-
tive Committees of the several districts, to be used at the
primary election, to be by them returned in good order, and
the Democratic State Central Committee is authorized and
empowered to assess and collect of the various candidates
represented by the delegations to go on the ticket a sum
sufficient to pay for preparation of ballots, room rent, and a