authorized and empowered to take stock, and become a
stockholder in some water company to be hereafter formed,
and incorporated, and to make all contracts and agreements
with said company, which may be necessary and proper, for
the purpose of furnishing and securing water, as aforesaid ;
provided, the said commissioners secure a majority of the
stock, and a controlling interest and power in the manage-
ment and direction of the said water company, and to enable
them to pay the cost and expense of constructing, erecting
and operating the said water works and appurtenances, or,
oi taking stock in a water company as aforesaid and of
carrying into effect any contract or agreement with said
company, as the case may be, the commissioners of Cam-
bridge are further authorized and empowered to issue
coupon bonds of the par value of one thousand five hundred,
and one hundred dollars respectively, to an aggregate
amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars and bearing
interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent, per annum,
payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July
in each and every year, and the said boads shall be payable
and redeemable in fifteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty
years from their date respectively, in the discretion of said
commissioners, and shall be signed by the mayor of the
said town, and attested by the treasurer thereof, and shall be
exempt from all State, county and municipal taxation, and in
order to pay "the interest on the said bonds and to provide
a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof at
maturity, the Commissioners of Cambridge are authorized
and directed after the issuing of the said bonds, or any part
thereof to levy annually upon the taxable property in said
town a tax, in addition to those already allowed by law of
not exceeding twenty cents on the one hundred dollars of
the assessed value of said property. The money arising
from the said additional tax to be set apart, and dedicated
exclusively to the payment of the interest and principal of
the said bonds as aforesaid, and the town clerk and treas-
urer of said town, shall keep a separate account of all issues
of said bonds, and of all receipts, payments and disburse-
ments on account of, or connected with the said bonds, and
the said additional tax, and the book containing said account
shall be open to the inspection of all persons interested in
the same ; provided that no bonds shall be issued or addi-
tional tax levies, as hereinbefore provided for, unless at an
election hereafter held in pursuance of notice to be given by
the said commissioners of the time, place and purpose of
said election, by advertisements inserted in all the news-
papers printed in said town, at least twenty days previous
to said election. A majority of the legal voters of the said