To be sub-
town voting at said election shall express by their ballots
to vote.
their assent to the issuing of said bonds, on which ballots
shall be written or printed respectfully the words "for the
issue of water bonds," or " against the issue of water bonds,"
as the voter may decide, and which ballots shall be received,
counted and returned as ballots are in other town elections
in said town, and the result shall be certified by the judges
of said election to the mayor of the said town, whose duty
it shall be to proclaim the result by publication in one or
more of the newspapers aforesaid, within twenty days after
the returns shall have been received by him.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.
AN ACT to repeal section thirty-one of article fourteen of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Howard County "
sub-title "Birds and Game " and to re-enact the same to
read as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
and re-
Maryland, That section thirty -one of article fourteen of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title " Howard County " sub-
title " Birds and Game " be and the same is hereby repealed,
and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :
Game in
SEC. 31. No person shall shoot or in any manner catch,
kill or have in possession in Howard County any partridge
or rabbit between the twenty-fourth day of December and
the thirty-first day of October inclusive in each and every
year, nor any woodcock between the twenty-fourth day of
December, and the fifteenth day of June inclusive, in each
and every year, nor any pheasant, between the twenty-
fourth day of December and the fifteenth day of August
inclusive, in each and every year, nor shall any person will-
fully or maliciously trap any partridge or destroy or molest
the eggs of said birds at any time in said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.