business or occupation within the town limits six months
preceding his election ; the commissioners now in office
shall however serve out their terms for which they were
respectively elected, and their successors, after the expira-
tion of their several terms, shall serve for two years,
respectively, as above provided.
SEC. 69. Said commissioners may cause an assessment
to be made from time to time by some person or persons,
Make as-
appointed by them, of the property, real and personal, in
the town ; and whenever they may deem it necessary for
any purpose connected with the government, regulation and
improvement of the town, they may levy upon the property
assessed such tax, not exceeding in a any one year fifty
cents in each one hundred dollars of such assessment, as
they may deem necessary, and the assessment of said
assessors shall be subject to an appeal, within sixty days of
making the same, to the Commissioners of Crisfield.
SEC. 72. It shall be the duty of each town commissioner
to report to the board any property liable to assessment,
and it shall be the duty of the bailiff to report any such
property which may have been omitted or may not be on
the assessment book of said town.
SEC. 74. Whenever they shall levy a tax for corporate pur-
poses of said town, they shall make out an alphabetical list
duties of.
of the persons chargeable therewith, with the sums payable
by each annexed, and shall also annex thereto a warrant to
the collector to collect the said tax ; and the collector within
thirty days after receiving such warrants and lists, shall
deliver to each person therein named an account of the taxes
payable by such person, and unless the said taxes shall be
paid within twenty days after such account shall have been
received, the collector may collect the same by distress and
sale of the goods and chattels of the delinquent, after adver-
tising in four public places in said town ; or if there be no
goods or chattels, by sale of his real estate, and then his
rights, duties and mode of proceedure shall conform to the
then existing laws governing the sale of real or leasehold
estate for county and State taxes in Somerset County ; and
the said collector shall be required to give satisfactory bond
as collector of taxes, in such sum as the commissioners shall
designate, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars, condi-
tioned for the performance of his duties in collecting the
town taxes; and each collector shall, within four months
after the receipt of said warrant and list, account for and
pay the sums collected, to the commissioners, and in default
of so doing, his bond shall be responsible for all sums not
collected or allowed to be insolvent ; but the said town com-