Public Local Laws, title " Washington County " sub-title
" Birds and Game " be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
Game in
SEC. 31. It shall not be lawful to shoot, kill or in any
way entrap or destroy any wild birds, or wild fowls of any
ton county
description, except hawks, crows, owls, English sparrows,
wild geese, wild ducks, wild pigeons, jack snipes, sand
snipes, plover, cedar birds and rails, or to shoot, kill,
entrap, wound or destroy, any rabbit, squirrel, deer or
fawn, provided, however, that it shall be lawful to shoot
wood-cock between the twelfth day of July and twenty-
fifth day of December, pheasants and doves, between the
twelfth day of August and the twenty-fifth day of Decem-
ber ; rabbits between the first day of November and the
fifteenth day of the following January ; squirrels between
the first day of September and the twenty-fifth day of
December ; deer and wild turkeys between the first day of
November and the fifteenth day of the following January ;
quails and partridges betweeu the twentieth day of October
and the twenty-fifth day of December ; but it shall not be
lawful to use ferrets to hunt or kill rabbits at any time.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.
AN ACT to repeal certain sections of the Code of Public
Local Laws article twenty, title "Somerset County,"
sub-title " Crisfield," and to re-enact the same with
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That sections fifty-five, sixty-nine, seventy-two, seventy-
four, seventy-six, eighty-three, ninety-five, and ninety-six
of the Local Code for Somerset County (article twenty,
Public Local Laws) be and the same are hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read, respectively, as follows :
SEC. 55. The said commissioners shall be five in number,
sioners of
and each commissioner shall hold his office for two years,
unless sooner vacated by death, resignation, removal or
otherwise ; and any person, to be eligible as a commissioner,
must be the owner of a freehold or leasehold estate within
the limits of said town, and must have resided in the State
one year, and have resided or carried on his principal