missioners shall have power to change from time to time the
rights, duties and modes of proceeding of said collector in
collecting taxes as aforesaid.
SEC. 76. All taxes as aforesaid shall bear interest after
Taxes to
four months from the date when the tax list is placed in the
hands of the collector for collection, and every such collec-
tor shall collect and pay over any levy placed in his hands
within four months after the receipt of said warrant and
list, and upon his failure to do so, his bond shall at once be
put in suit.
SEC. 83. The commissioners may establish and provide a
market house in the town for the use and convenience of
the inhabitants thereof, and may by by-laws and ordi-
nances provide for and regulate the sale of all provisions
brought to said town for sale, the trying and adjusting of
the scales, weights and measures used at the market by
the standards of the county, and the seizure and sale to
the highest bidder, of any found false or untrue ; the
renting of the stalls and shambles of the market, and for
the seizure and sale, for the use of the commissioners, of
all butter in prints or parcels brought to the said market
for sale, found wanting in weight, or unsound and unwhole-
some. The commissioners shall also have power to license
and regulate all carriages, carts, wagons, and other vehi-
cles hired or kept for hire in the said town, and to pass all
necessary and proper regulations respecting the same ;
provided, however, that all revenue arising from said
licenses shall be applied to keeping in order the streets of
the said town.
SEC. 95. All that part of Crisfield district in Somerset
County, lying between the present limits of Crisfield and
the metes and bounds hereinafter named, be and the same
is hereby annexed to and made a part of the town of Cris-
field, to wit : Beginning at the present boundary of the
Said town set up at Hammock Point, thence by a straight
line, touching the southeast corner of Henry F. Jewetts
house, to the new county road from the high school to Ash-
bury Church ; thence by a straight line to a point on the
east side of the Eastern Shore Railroad and the north side
of the new county road, through the lands of James H.
Wards, to Mariner's Church, where the said railroad and
the county road cross each other ; and from the said inter-
section, by the dividing line between Crisfield and Law-
son's districts, running to little Annamessex River, thence
by a straight line to the present boundary on Long Point.
SEC. 95 A. And it shall be the duty of the commis-
sioners of Crisfield for five years from and after the pas-