any such person, union or association, knowing the same to
be counterfeit or imitation, (he) shall be guilty of a misde-
meaner and shall on conviction by any court having crimi-
or imita-
tion of
nal jurisdiction be punished by imprisonment in the city or
label or
county jail for a term of not less than one month nor more
mark, &c.
than one year, or by a fine of not less than one hundred
dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or both in the
discretion of the court, and the burden of proving that the
defendant did not know the true character of the said
label, trade mark or form of advertisement, and that he
used the same in good faith shall be on the defendant.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That every such person, asso-
ciation or union that has heretofore adopted, or shall here-
after adopt, a label, trade-mark or form of advertisement
as aforesaid, may file the same for record, in the office of
May file
the Secretary of State by leaving two copies, counterparts
or trade-
or fac-similes thereof, with the Secretary of State and said
mark f or
secretary shall deliver to such person, association or union
so filing the same duly attested certificate of the record
of the same for which he shall receive a fee of one
dollar, such certificate of record shall be in all suits and
prosecutions under this act sufficient proof of the adoption
of such label, trade-mark or form of advertisement, and of
the right of said person, association or union to adopt the
same, no label shall be recorded, that probably would be
mistaken for a label already of record, of which question
the said secretary shall be the judge.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That e very such person, asso-
ciation or union adopting a label, trade-mark or form of
advertisement as aforesaid, may proceed by suit to enjoin
May enjoin
use, dis-
the manufacturer, use, display or sale of any such counter-
play or sale
of counter-
feit, or imitation, and all courts having jurisdiction thereof
feit label,
shall grant injunctions to restrain such manufacture, use,
display or sale, and shall award the complainant jin such
suit such damage resulting from such wrongful manufac-
ture, use, display or sale, as may by said court be deemed
just and reasonable, according to the evidence in the case,
and shall require the defendants to pay such persons, assso-
ciations, or unions, the profits derived from such wrongful
manufacture, use, display or sale, and in addition to court
costs, such reasonable attorneys' fees as the court may allow,
and said court shall also order that all such counterfeit or
imitations in the possession or under the control of any
defendant in such case be delivered to an officer of the court,
or to the complainant to be destroyed.
SEC. 5 And be it enacted, That every person who shall
use or display the genuine label, trade-mark or form of
advertisement, of any such person, association, or union, in