the erection of station houses hereafter required for the
uses of said board, and also the cost of the erection and
repair of said station house.
766 C. The jurisdiction and authority of the Board of
Police Commissioners for the city of Baltimore is hereby
tion of
declared to extend to and over the bridge across the
Patapsco River, known as the Long Bridge, or Light Street
Bridge ; and said board and their police force shall on and
under said bridge, preserve the public peace, prevent crime,
arrest offenders, protect the rights of persons and property,
and prevent and remove nuisances, provided, however, that
if any crime be actually committed by any person who
shall be arrested by said police, the offender shall be
delivered to the proper jurisdiction for trial and punishment.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.
AN ACT to protect associations and unions of workingmen
and persons in their labels, trade marks and forms of
advertising and to punish offenders for a violation of the
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whenever any person, association or union
of workingmen have adopted, or shall hereafter adopt for
marks, &c
their protection any label, trade-mark or form of advertise-
ment announcing and denoting that goods to which such
label, trade mark or form of advertisement shall or may be
attached, were manufactured by such person or by a mem-
ber or members of such association or union, it shall not be
lawful fof any person or corporation to counterfeit or imi-
tate such label, trade mark or form of advertisement,
every person violating this section shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction by any court
having criminal jurisdiction be punished by imprisonment
in the city or county jail for not less than three mouths nor
more than one year or by a fine of not less than one hun-
dred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or both in
the discretion of the court.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every person, corpora-
tion or association who shall use any counterfeit or imita-
tion of any label, trade-mark or form of advertisement of