terms of the Circuit Court for Somerset County during his
year as the court may direct, this drawing or casting of
lots shall be public and shall be entered among the min-
utes of the court of that term as part or its proceedings,
inasmuch as two of the present board are from district No. 3,
as created by this act the court shall first cause them to cast
lots which of them shall serve only two years and , then
retire to make place for one commissioner from commis-
sioner's district No. 1, that having been ascertained the lot
shall then be be cast between the other two as to which
shall serve four and which six years ; this being ascertained
the persons so chosen shall serve for the terms they respec-
tively draw and till their successors are elected and qualified
and no longer, and in the event of a vacancy the person
appointed shall only fill out the the nnexpired term ; there-
after an election by general vote in the county shall be had
at each general election for a commissioner from the com-
missioner's district whose term expires at that election,' and
the compensation for the services of such commissioners
shall be the same as is now allowed by law.
SEC. 42. The county commissioners shall appoint a clerk
who also shall be treasurer, whose term of office shall be two
years from the first Tuesday of April after his appointment,
and such appointment may be made at any time after the
To appoint
clerk and
first meeting of the board after any general election, but
duties of
not later than the first Tuesday of April after such election ;
but the term of office shall not begin until the incumbent's
term is out and such clerk shall be removable by the board
for incompetency, willful neglect of duty, or misconduct in
office. Before he shall enter upon the discharge of the
duties of such office, he shall enter into bond to the State
of Maryland in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars, with
securities to be approved by the county commissioners for
the faithful discharge of all the duties pertaining to his
office, or shall furnish the board with a policy of insurance
in the like sum issued by some good insurance or guarantee
company guaranteeing his fidelity in the discharge of his
duty, which policy shall be satisfactory and acceptable
to the board of county commissioners ; he shall also take
the oath of office and sign the test-book before the clerk of
the county as other officers of the county. When he shall
have so bonded and qualified, he shall have custody of all
. the papers and books connected with the office ; he shall
keep a minute and record book of all the doings at the
several meetings of the board and all their acts ; he shall
receive and keep safely for disbursement according to law
all moneys coming to the county from the tax collectors or