from three o'clock, p. m., until five o'clock, p. m., and from
seven o'clock, p. m., to ten o'clock, p. m., and neither of
said justices shall absent himself from the city of Annap-
olis without .first ascertaining that the other justice will be
in attendance in his office during the .time of his absence,
nor shall either of said justices be absent from the city, of
Annapolis for. more than two days consecutively at any time
without the consent in writing of the State's attorney and
the counselor of the city of Annapolis.
172. The justices of the peace of the sixth district of
Anne Arundel County sliall have civil jurisdiction co-exten-
sive with said county and criminal jurisdiction of offences
committed in any of the districts of said county cognizable
by justices of the peace under the law, where complaint is
made before them, but no warrant of arrest shall be issued
by said justices except upon the oath or affirmation of the
person making complaint that an offence has been com-
mitted ana upon being satisfied upon examination of such
person making complaint under oath of the probable truth
of such charge.
173. No justice of the peace or constable appointed for any
other district of said county shall have or exercise any civil
Limits of
or criminal jurisdiction or function of any kind in said city
of Annapolis, nor shall they have any jurisdiction over the
citizens of Annapolis by issuing or serving process in any
civil action against any citizen or corporation of said city
nor have any criminal jurisdiction of offences or violations
of law committed in said city either by issuing warrants of
arrest or serving process of any kind.
176. The several justices of the peace for Anne Arundel
Fines to be
County except the justices appointed for the sixth district
of said county, are required to account for and pay to the
county commissioners of said county every three months all
the money or moneys they may have on hand at such times
arising from fines or penalties imposed under the pre-
ceding sections.
176 A. The justices of the peace of the sixth district of
Report of
said county shall at the first regular meeting of the county
commissioners held in each month, make a report in writing
verified under oath made before the clerk of said commis-
sioners of all criminal cases heard or tried before him dur-
ing the preceding month, which report shall state in each
case the name of the defendant, the offence charged, the
name of the person upon whose complaint the warrant was
issued, the number of witnesses summoned, the name of the
officer serving warrant and summonses, the judgment ren-