title "Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks, "so far as the same
applies to that part of the second election district of
Howard County included within the corporate limits of
Ellicott City, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that
new sections to come in after section ninety-eight of said
article fourteen be added thereto to be known as sections
ninety-eight A, ninety-eight B, ninety -eight C, ninety -eight
D, ninety-eight E, ninety -eight F, and ninety-eight G.
Sole of
98 A. No person after the first day of May, eighteen
liquor in
hundred and ninety -two, shall sell or barter, offer for sale,
barter or keep for sale or barter in that part of the second
election district of Howard County, included within the
corporate limits of Ellicott City any spirituous or fermented
liquors or lager beer except as hereinafter provided.
98 B. Any person desiriug to obtain a license to sell
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer in that part of
tion for
the second election district of Howard County included
within the corporate limits of Ellicott City, shall file an
application in writing with the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Howard County, in which he shall state ; first, his or
her name and that he or she is a resident of the second
election district of Howard County ; second, that he or she
is a citizen of the United States, and has been for twelve
months next preceding the filing of such application, a bona
fide resident of the State of Maryland ; third, that the
application is not, or if the application is by a firm, that
none of the applicants are in any manner pecuniarily in-
terested in the profits of any business conducted at any
other place iu that part of Ellicott City affected by this
sub-title where any spirituous or fermented liquors are sold
or kept for sale ; and fourth, the particular place where the
business is to be conducted under the license sought, speci-
fying the same by definite designation and description ;
which said application shall be verified by the affidavit of
the applicant, made before the clerk of the court to whom
the application is made, and if any false statement is made
in any part oi said application, the applicant or applicants
shall be guilty of perjury and upon indictment and convic-
tion shall be punished accordingly and any license issued
upon such application shall be suppressed.
98 C. There shall be annexed to said application a cer-
of free-
tificate signed by at least five reputable freeholders, bona
fiae residents of that part of Ellicott City affected by this
sub -title in which the persons certifying shall state that
they recommend the applicant as a suitable person to whom
such a license should be issued.