tested by their hands and seals, those in Baltimore County
to be made to the clerks of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County and those in Howard County to be made to the clerks
of the Circuit Court for Howard County and each clerk shall
send one of said copies under the seal of his office to the
commissioners of his county.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That if from the re-
to levy
turns made by the judges of election as certified by the said
and issue
clerks, it shall appear that in each county a majority of. the
votes cast by legally qualified voters were, '' For Wilkins'
Avenue Bridge " the County Commissioners of Baltimore
County or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and
directed to levy on the assessable property of Baltimore
County the sum of fifteen thousand dollars or so much
thereof as may be necessary in conformity with the provi-
sions of this act ; and the County Commissioners of Howard
County or a majority of them are hereby authorized and
directed to issue the bonds of Howard County to the amount
of fifteen thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be
necessary in conformity with the provisions of this act.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
To sell
missioners of Howard County are hereby authorized to sell
said bonds
said bonds to the highest bidder at public sale or by sealed
proposals for cash after having given at least three weeks'
previous notice of time place, manner and terms of sale in
such newspaper or newspapers published in Howard County
and in the city of Baltimore, as they may respectively de-
termine provided, however, that no bond or bonds issued
under this act shall be sold for less than par, and provided
further that only so many of said bouds shall be sold as may
be necessary for the purpose declared herein.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Howard County shall annually levy upon the
Levy to
assessable property in Howard County sums of money suf-
ficient to pay the interest which may be due on the out-
standing bonds issued under this act, as the same shall fall
due ; and after ten years from the date of the issuance of
said bonds the Commissioners of Howard County may levy
such additional sums as may be necessary to gradually re-
deem the bonds issued by Howard County until all of them
shall be redeemed ; and the taxes authorized by this act
shall be collected as other taxes are collected in said county.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the cost of main-
Cost of
taining said bridge and keeping it in repair shall be borne
ing bridge
equally by Baltimore and Howard Counties ; and the county
commissioners of said counties are hereby authorized and