in said town, and at such meeting, said incorporators, or a
majority of them, shall lay the subscription books before
the subscribers then and there present, whereupon the sub-
scribers or a majority of them, who may represent a majority
of the stock so subscribed, shall elect by ballot five or more
directors, but not exceeding seven, who shall be stockholders
in said corporation to manage the affairs of said corporation,
which directors, or a majority of them, shall have the power
to elect a president from among the directors, and in said
election and all other elections by the stockholders of said
company, each shareholder shall be allowed one vote for one
share owned by him or her, and every stockholder may vote
either in person or by proxy, and the" said incorporators, or
a majority of them shall be judges of the first election of
directors, and until the first election for directors as herein
provided for, and said incorporators shall be the directors
of said corporation, with full power and authority to act
as such.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the president and directors
elected at the first meeting of said stockholders shall serve
until the second Monday in April thereafter, or until their
successors shall be elected, and to continue the succession
of said corporation, a general meeting of the stockholders
shall be held annually on the second Monday in April, at
which meeting a board of directors shall be elected in man-
ner aforesaid, to serve for one year or until their successors
shall be elected, and other meetings may be called of the
stockholders by the president and directors, or a majority
of them, according to such rules as may be adopted by the
by-laws of said corporation, and the board of directors may
meet as often as may be necessary for the transaction of the
business of the corporation.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the corporation hereby
formed shall have power and is hereby authorized to con-
struct, lay, operate and erect lines of wires for illuminating
Powers of
purposes ; also to lay tubes for the using, and supplying
electricity and electrical currents and for all other purposes
to which electricity or magnetism may be applied, either
above ground or under ground or in pipes or otherwise, over,
under and along the streets, squares, lanes, roads, public
highways, bridges and alleys of the town of Cambridge
and Dorchester County, and to that end lay wires, tubes,
conductors and insulators, and erect poles and posts, and
construct, maintain, repair and remove from time to time
all such lines, pipes and appliances, provided, however, that
in the construction, maintenance, removal and repair thereof
when within the limits of the town of Cambridge, the