AN ACT to incorporate the Cambridge Electric Light and
Power Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That George E. Austin, Benjamin L. Smith,
Joseph H. Johnson, Thomas J. Ewell, and William J. Hol-
land, all residents of the State of Maryland, and their asso-
ciates, successors and assigns, be and they are hereby cre-
ated and made a body corporate under and by the name
and style of the Cambridge Electric Light and Power Com-
pany, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and
shall be capable to sue and be sued, complain and defend in
any court of law, or equity, to make and use a common seal
and alter the same at pleasure, receive aud to make deeds
and contracts ; to acquire by purchase or in any other man-
ner, take and receive, hold, use, employ, manage, dispose
of, or in any manner not inconsistent with law, deal with
any property, real, personal or mixed, and situate in or out
of this State, which may be necessary or proper to enable
said corporation to carry out its operations, or fulfill the
purposes named in this act, and generally to do every other
act or thing not inconsistent with law, which may be nec-
essary or proper to promote the objects, designs and purposes
for which this corporation is formed, which are hereby de-
clared to be /or the purposes of manufacturing electricity
for illuminating purposes, power and for all other purposes
to which electricity or magnetism may be applied, and for
the sale, transportation or other disposition of the same in
Cambridge and Dorchester County.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
corporation shall be ten thousand dollars, divided into two
hundred (200) shares of fifty dollars ($50.00) each ; which
capital stock may be increased by the president and directors
to be elected as hereinafter provided for, to an amount not
exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the persons hereinbefore
named as incorporators, or a majority of them, may cause
tion to
books to be opened at such times and places in the town of
Cambridge as they may elect, in which said town their prin-
cipal offices shall be located, and that when fifty or more
shares of said stock shall have been subscribed, said incor-
porators, or a majority of them, shall call a general meeting
of the subscribers at such time and place as they may ap-
point, after having given ten days' public notice of such
meeting by three insertions in one of the weekly newspapers