the collector in payment of taxes, and the County Commis-
from taxes
sioners shall levy on all property, subject to taxation such
sum or sums of money as shall in their discretion, be neces-
sary for the prompt payment of the interest of said bonds
and the principal thereof when the same may become due
or they may determine to pay the same.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said building
committee shall from time to time notify the County Com-
Clerk to
act as
missioners that sums of money shall be needed, and it shall
then be the duty of the said County Commissioners to forth-
with negotiate the sale of a sufficient amount of said bonds
to raise the amount needed, and shall pay the same on the
representation of the building committee.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the clerk of the
said Board of County Commissioners shall in addition to
his other duties act as treasurer to said board and shall re-
receive and disburse all sums levied by virtue of the act for
the payment of the annual interest on the bonds hereby
authorized to be issued and shall receive such compensation
therefor as may be fixed by the said County Commissioners
and shall give bond and security to the State of Maryland,
in such penalty as may be prescribed by the said County
Commissioners, to be approved by the judges of the Circuit
Court for Charles County ; for the the faithful performance
of his duties in this behalf and all moneys levied by the
County Commissioners for the purpose of paying said inter-
est shall be levied for the use of said treasurer unpaid to
him by the collectors of taxes ; when hereafter the said
County Commissioners shall levy any sum or sums for the
payment of the principal of the said court house bonds ; they
shall likewise levy it for the use of the said treasurer, who
shall then be required to give bond in a penalty to be pre-
To give
scribed by the said County Commissioners to be approved
as above in double any amount to come into his hands for
disbursement in any one year ; the bond or bonds of said
treasurer to be recorded whenever the said County Com-
missioners may so require and also to be recorded in the
office of the clerk of the court of said county.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31st, 1892.