SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said building
committee shall adopt a plan and specification for said
Power to
buildings and the necessary furniture therefor, and may
contract for
contract for the same, having first invited sealed proposals
by advertisement or otherwise, and contract or contracts
shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders,
who shall give good and sufficient bond to the county com -
missioners, to be approved by the said building committee,
for the faithful performance of said contract or contracts,
and the said building committee are hereby authorized to
sell and dispose of such material of the present court house
and jail as may not be required in erecting the building
aforesaid, and also sell and dispose of the present court
house and jail lots and convey the same to the purchaser or
purchasers thereof, and the proceeds of said sale shall be
part of the fund for erecting the buildings at La Plata.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That said buildings
when to be
shall be completed on or before the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and ninety -four, unless said committee,
shall otherwise determine, aud when so completed and ac-
cepted by the building committee then the public records,
archives, offices, and court for the county shall be removed
to La Plata and occupy respective quarters allotted to them ;
provided that until said buildings are completed and ready
for occupancy, it shall be the duty of the county commis-
sioners to provide proper accommodations for the holding of
the courts and transaction of public business, either in Port
Tobacco or La Plata.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of raising funds necessary for the building of the said Court
to issue
House and Jail, furnishing the same, purchasing a site or
sites therefor, if necessary and enclosing the same, the
County Commissioners of Charles County are hereby author-
ized to issue coupon bonds of said county to be denomi-
nated Court House bonds, not to exceed twenty-five thou-
sand dollars, and in sums of not less than one hundred dol-
lars from time to time as the same may be required the said
bonds to be signed by the said County Commissioners,
countersigned and registered by the clerk to bear interest
at the rate of not more than five per cent, per annum, said
interest to be payable semi-annually on the first day of
January and July respectively, and not be sold for less than
the par value, thereof, the principal of said bonds to be
payable in thirty years, with the right to the County Com-
missioners to redeem them whole or in part, at any time
after ten years, the said bonds also to be exempted from all
taxes, and the coupon therein when due, to be received by