AN ACT to amend the Code of Public Local Laws article 3,
title "Baltimore County," adding thereto the following
sections under title "Primary Elections."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title " Baltimore County," be and the same is hereby amended
and the following sections be and they are hereby added
thereto under the title of "Primary Elections."
1. All primary elections hereafter to be held by any vol-
untary political association or party in Baltimore County
for delegates to any managing convention, to any nomi-
nating convention or for the nomination of candidates for
State, or county offices shall be held under the terms and
subject to the provisions of this article.
2. The wards primary elections as used in this act shall
How to
be construed to embrace all elections, precinct meetings or
other meetings held by any political party for the purpose
of choosing candidates for office or of electing delegates to
nominating conventions or officers of any political party.
3. All primary elections held under the provisions of this
article shall be by precincts, or districts as the case may be,
Polls shall
be open
and at every such election the polls shall be open for such
time as may be prescribed by the State central committee
or the county executive committee ordering said primary
election, precinct meeting or other meeting.
4. Every primary election shall be presided over and
How to be
conducted by officers to be selected in the manner pre-
scribed by the usages, rules, regulations or customs of the
party holding such primary...
5. Every ballot box used at such primary elections shall
be so placed in a window or elsewhere that the voters may
Ballot box
conveniently see every ballot received by the judges and
deposited in the ballot box and no screen or other obstruc-
tion to such view of any ballot by the voters, shall be
6. The rooms used for polling places at such elections
shall be of a reasonable size and there shall be allowed at
all times in the polling places, one challenger for each
ticket, the judges and clerks, and after the election is
closed, any candidate or persons designated by him and
such other persons as in the judgment of the judges of
elections, it may be proper to admit to guarantee the fair-
ness of the count, shall be entitled to be present during the
counting of the ballots.