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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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that the same now belongs to the personal estate of said

deceased, by reason of his estate having fully settled any

trust to which same may have belonged.

AND WHEREAS, said state debt has been called for redemp-


tion and said person al representative is willing to indemnify

the State, in order that said sum may be paid over to him.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

Maryland, That the treasurer of said State be and he is


hereby authorized and directed to pay to John S. Gittings,

administrator de bonis non cum testamentum annexo of the

late John S. Gittings, deceased, the said sum of two

thousand dollars with the interest due thereon, under the

call for the redemption of said debt upon the said adminis-

trator executing to the State and delivering to said treasurer

his personal bond with surety or sureties, to be approved by

said treasurer, in double the sum so to be paid, conditioned

to indemnify and save harmless and from any loss to the

said State by reason or on account of the payment of the

said sum to said administrator as aforesaid.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect

from the date of its passage.


Approved March 30th, 1892.


AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of

the Board of Managers of the Sylvan Retreat Asylum of

Allegany County for the support of two insane convicts

at the Sylvan Retreat Asylum for the years eighteen

hundred and ninety and ninety -one.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be and he

is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon


the treasurer of the State for the sum of four hundred and

forty-eight dollars, payable out of the funds in the treasury,

not otherwise appropriated in favor of the Board of Man-

agers of the Sylvan Retreat Asylum of Allegany County, to

pay the claim of said board for the maintenance and sup-

port of two insane convicts at the said Sylvan Retreat

Asylum for the years eighteen hundred and ninety and

eighteen hundred and ninety-one, said convicts having been

committed to said Sylvan Retreat Asylum by the Criminal

Court of Baltimore City in conformity with an act of As-

sembly passed at the January session of eighteen hundred

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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