AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay R. C. Mackall
for expenses incurred under an appointment made by
His Excellency Elihu E. Jackson, late Governor of Mary-
land, as a delegate to the Southern Emigration Conven-
tion, held at Asheville, North Carolina, in December
eighteen hundred and ninety.
WHEREAS, on invitation of a number of Governors of
the Southern States, to the State of Maryland to send dele-
gates to the Southern Emigration Convention, held at Ashe-
ville, North Carolina, in December eighteen hundred and
ninety, His Excellency, Elihu E. Jackson, the then Governor
of Maryland did appoint such delegates ; and
WHEREAS, Richard C. Mackall of Cecil County, Mary-
land, was one of the delegates so appointed by the governor,
and in respect to such appointment did attend said conven-
tion ; and
WHEREAS, the invitation so received from sister South-
ern States after the adjournment of the General Assembly
of Maryland of eighteen hundred and ninety, and there-
fore no appropriation was made therefor ; and
WHEREAS, the said Richard C. Mackall did pay his ex-
penses, amounting to forty dollars, from his own private
means ; and
WHEREAS, it is right and proper that the State of Mary- .
land should reimburse such expenses so incurred, in behalf
of said State ; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of forty dollars be, and the same
is hereby appropriated to reimburse Richard C. Mackall for
expenses incurred as a delegate on the part of the State of
Maryland to the Southern Emigration Convention held at
Asheville, North Carolina, in December eighteen hundred
and ninety ; and the comptroller is hereby authorized and
directed to draw bis warrant on the treasurer, in favor of
said Richard C. Mackall, for the said sum of forty dollars ;
and the treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of
any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 17th, 1892.