dent and all such other officers, agents and servants for the
corporation as they may see fit, and fix their compensation
and regulate their tenure of office and may in their discre-
tion require of them bond for the faithful performance of
their duties.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the principal office of the
company shall be located in the city of Baltimore, but the
operations of the corporation may be carried on in this State
and elsewhere, and the said corporation shall have power to
conduct and carry on a general hardware business either
power, &c
retail or wholesale, or both, to the same extent, with like
powers, and in the same manner as a natural person could
do, and may take, receive, hold, buy, sell, barter and other-
wise deal in manufacture or unmanufactured articles of
merchandise, and whether patented or unpatented, and may
acquire and dispose of any rights in, to or under letters
patent appropriate for the conduct of said business, and the
said corporation may also, in its discretion manufacture any
articles proper to be dealt in by it, and it shall also have
power to acquire, hold and sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise
dispose of such real or leasehold property as may be appro-
priate to the proper conduct of its business.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the corporation hereby
created, and the board of directors and stockholders thereof
shall, in addition to the powers hereby granted, have and
enjoy in all respects, all of the powers, privileges, benefits
and advantages which now axe or may hereafter be conferred
by the Public General Laws of Maryland relating to corpo-
rations, upon corporations formed or to be formed in accord-
ance with the provisions thereof ; and the corporation hereby
formed shall in all respects, except in so far as may be
inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be subject to the
provisions and regulations in the Public General Laws of
Maryland relating to corporations, contained in reference to
corporations formed or to be formed thereunder.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Legislature hereby
Right re-
reserves to itself the right to repeal, amend or alter this act
at its pleasure.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 8th, 1892.