any court whatever, and to make, and use a common seal
and to alter the same at pleasure, and generally to do every
thing proper to carry into effect the provisions of this act or
to promote the objects and designs of the company hereby
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
corporation shall consist of one hundred and twenty-five
thousand dollars divided into twelve hundred and fifty
shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, but the
said corporation may at any time and from time to time at a
general meeting, specially called for that purpose, increase
its capital stock to any amount that may be deemed proper,
not to exceed in all two hundred and fitty thousand dollars,
by vote of two-thirds of all the shares of stock of the cor-
poration theretofore subscribed for and issued; and subscrip-
tions to its capital stock may be made in property, at a
valuation to be agreed upon between the corporation and the
subscriber where the property subscribed shall be such as it
is proper that the corporation may own for the advancement
of the purposes for which it is hereby incorporated.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the corporations named in
the first section of this act, or a majority of them, shall have
power to open, at such time and place as they may select,
Books of
books of subscription to the capital stock of said corporation
and when not less than one thousand shares of said stock
have been subscribed for, and at least ten per centum of the
par value of the stock so subscribed for has been paid in,
the stockholders may organize the company and may elect
eight directors to serve until the next annual meeting of the
corporation which shall be held on the fourth Monday of
January eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and the annual
meeting of the company shall be held in each year on the
fourth Monday of January, but if it shall happen at any
time, that an election of directors shall not then be made,
the company shall not then be dissolved, but the election
may be held on any other day and in such manner as may
be provided by the by-laws.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That when the company shall
have been organized the board of directors thereof shall
Board of
manage the business, property and affairs of the corporation
and shall, have and exercise in its name and on its behalf all
of the rights, privileges and corporate powers hereby con-
ferred upon the said conpany and may adopt and establish
such by-laws, and rules not contrary to law, as may appear
to them necessary for the regulation of the concerns of said
body corporate, and they may change and amend the same,
and may declare dividends and elect and appoint a presi-