further provide by ordinance for the remuneration of said
board of water commissioners and their duties.
78 F. And the mayor and city council shall have and are
hereby invested with full pow'er and authority to enact and
pass all ordinances which, from time to time, they may deem
May pass
necessary and proper to effect the objects herein specified,
and to regulate the introduction and use of said water and
to water.
the improvements thereof, and for the protection and pres-
ervation of its works, machinery and property connected
therewith, and it shall be the duty of said board of water
commissioners to see that the ordinances so passed are prop-
erly carried out and enforced.
83. The mayor and city council are authorized to issue
coupon bonds, in denominations of not less than five hundred
May issue
nor more than one thousand dollars each, to the amount of
dated debt
not more than four hundred thousand dollars, to be known
as the " Cumberland ' City Consolidated Debt Bonds," and
said bonds, or the proceeds thereof, to be used for the pur-
pose of taking up the present bonded indebtedness of the
city, issued or to be issued under ordinances and laws
now in force, and for no other purpose, except that forty
thousand dollars thereof may be issued to pay the floating
debt of the city, and said bonds shall be issued from time to
time as needed for the purpose herein designated and not
until so needed, and said bonds shall be made payable at
the end of thirty years from the date thereof, shall all bear
date as of the issuing of the first instalment thereof and
shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum
per annum."
84. For the purpose of paying the bonded indebtedness
of the city a reserve or sinking fund shall be created by the
city council by an annual levy of not less than two cents on
each one hundred dollars of assessable property within the
city limits, which said amount so levied shall each year be
paid over by the treasurer to the trustees ol the sinking
fund (said trustees consisting of two persons, with the mayor
as their chairman, to be appointed by the mayor and city
council), and said sum or sums so paid over to the said
trustees shall be by them held and invested in trust, for
the payment of the said bonded indebtedness of the city as
it may mature, which said investment lield by the trustees
of the sinking fund shall be free from municipal taxation.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall lake effect
from the date of its passage.
In force
Approved March 8th, 1892.