issue and the amount to be issued to the voters of said city
after twenty days' public notice by hand bills and publica-
tion in two newspapers in the city, and two -thirds of the
legal votes cast upon such question shall be in favor thereof
before any action shall be taken thereon.
78 G. And the said mayor and city council are hereby
authorized to agree with the owner or owners of any land,
May agree
real estate, spring, brook, water or water course as aforesaid,
earth, timber, stone, or other material which they may con-
ceive expedient or necessary to purchase and hold for the
purpose of introduciug an additional supply into or improving
the present supply of water in the city of Cumberland.
78 D. That if the said mayor and city council cannot agree,
or if there be any incapacity or disability to contract with
May con-
.the owner or owners of such land, or real estate, spring,
brook, water or water course as aforesaid, earth, timber,
stone or other material, or with the owner or owners of such
land through which they may find it necessary to have a
right of way, or entry, or passage for the purpose of con-
veying the said water into or through the said city, or if
such owner or owners shall be absent out of the State, or
unknown or without legal capacity to contract, by reason of
infancy, coverture or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the
mayor and city council of Cumberland to secure by condem-
nation, any such lands, real estate, spring, brook, water or
water course, easement or franchise, earth, timber, stone or
other materials which they may deem necessary, in the same
mauner and by the same proceedings as is now provided for
in condemnation by corporations under article twenty-three,
section 248, etc., of the Code of Public General Laws of the
State of Maryland.
78 E. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions
of the charter in reference to the water works of the city,
and their extension and improvement, the mayor and city
council of Cumberland shall, as soon as may be practicable,
Board of
provide by ordinance for the creation of a board of water
water com-
commissioners, to be composed of three tax payers and citi-
zens of said city, one of whom shall be of opposite politics,
to be appointed by said mayor and city council, and the
mayor of the city shall, in addition thereto, be a member
and chairman of said board. Said board shall serve for a
term of years to be regulated in said ordinance, and shall
have full control and charge of the present water works and
system of the city, and of any and'all alterations in the same,
and of any new system which may be created, and shall have
the supervision of any new system which shall or may here-
after be constructed, and the mayor and city council shall