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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1017   View pdf image (33K)
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a sum of money therefor......................................


No. 247. An act authorizing the treasurer to pay to the per-

sonal representative of the late John S. Gittings, deceased,

the amount of a bond or bonds, certificate or certificates,

which the State has called for redemption, and which is

claimed to have been lost.....................................


No. 248. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the

claim of the Board of Managers of the Sylvan Retreat

Asylum of Alleganv County for the support of two insane

convicts at the Sylvan Retreat Asylum for the years eigh-

teen hundred and ninety and ninety -one....................


No. 249. An act to repeal section fifty -one of article six of the

Code of Public Local Laws, title " Caroline County." sub-

title "County Commissioners," aud to re-enact the same

with amendments, and to add four new sections thereto to

be called section fifty-one A, section fifty-one B, section

fifty-one C, aud section fifty -one D.........................


No. 250. An act to authorize the mayor and city council to

appropriate a sum of money for the purchase of a site and

the erection thereou of a statue of the late Johns Hopkins...


No. 253. An act to require the clerk of the Circuit Court for

Allegany County to re-record certain portions of the land

records of said county........................................


No. 254. An act to provide for the further publication of the

Archives of Maryland........................................


No. 255. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of St.

Mary's County to levy upon the taxable property of said

county a sufficient sum of money for the erection of two

school houses for white children iu said county, one in the

first election district, aud the other iu the seventh election

district of said county ..................................


No. 256. An act to repeal section one hundred, one hundred

and one and one hundred and three of article twenty-seven

of the Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland,

title "Fraud," sub-title "Fruit aud Vegetable Packing. "..


No. 257. An act to repeal section six hundred and forty-four,

six hundred aud forty-five, and six hundred and forty-six,

of article four, Code of Public Local Laws, title " City of

Baltimore," sub-title "Licenses." which relate to dealers in

hay, straw or husks ...............................


No. 258. An act to sanction and make valid a bequest of Nancy

Camel, late of Washington County, deceased, to Manor

Church of the Tunker denomination, and also a bequest

from said Nancy Carnel to the Methodist Episcopal Church

situated in the town of Sharpsburg, Washington County,

Marvland ..........................


No. 259. An act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, sec-

tion two hundred aud eighty -eight of article ten of the Code

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1017   View pdf image (33K)
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