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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1016   View pdf image (33K)
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"Frederick County," sub-title "Point of Rocks," relating

to the town of Point of Rocks, and to re enact the same with

amendments by substituting in lieu thereof the followiug

sections 396, 397, 398, 3'J9, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 4015,

407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 413 A, 413 B, 413 C, 413 D,

413 E, 413 F.............................................


No. 235. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim

of the Baltimore Publishing Company, printers and sta-

tioners of Baltimore City tor printing "cards of instruction

to voters " for the use of the State ........................


No. 236. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments new

section one hundred and thirty -seven of article thirty-three

of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title

" Elections," as enacted by the act of 1890, chapter 538.......


No. 238. An act to repeal sections 274 to 297 inclusive of article

4 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title " City of Balti-


more," sub-title' " Primary Elections," and to enact in lieu

thereof, the following sections to become sections 274 to 278

inclusive of said article under said sub-title of Primary



No. 239. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments new

section nineteen of article thirty-three of the Code of

Public General Laws of Maryland, title " Elections," sub-

title " Registration," as enacted by the act of eighteen

hundred and ninety, chapter five hundred and seveuty-



No, 240. An act to add certain sections under the sub-title,

" Hurlock " to article ten of the Code of Public Local Laws,

title '' Dorchester County. "..............................


No. 241. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-

tion two hundred and five of article sixteen of the Code of

Public General Laws, title " Chancery," sub-title "Trustee."


No. 242. Au act to authorize and require the County Commis-

sioners of Washington County to refund to Martin L. Bjers,

Benjamin P. Rench, Samuel Poffenberger and Benjamin F.

Eshleman, certain money paid by them as endorsers for

George W. Pole late collector of State and county taxes of

said county.................................................


No. 244. An act to amend Article Sixteen of the Code of

Public General Laws, title " Chancery," sub-title " Infants,"

by adding six additional sections thereto, to come in after

Section 62 and to be numbered respectively 62 A, 62 B, 62 C,

62 E and 62 F................................................


No. 245. An act to provide for the removal of the water closet

from the State House and for the erection of the same in a

building elsewhere, and for the ventilation of the State

House, the cleaning of the basement, and the renovating of

the furniture of the Executive Chamber, and to appropriate

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1016   View pdf image (33K)
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