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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1015   View pdf image (33K)
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title " City of Baltimore," sub-title " Justices of the Peace

and Constables," and to repeal chapter one hundred and

twenty-five, of the laws of eigtheen hundred and ninety, and

to re-enact with amendments section six hundred and seven

of article four, of the Code of Public Local Laws, of Mary-

land, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Justices of the

Peace and Constables."..................................


No. 224. Au act to add two new sections to article one of the

Code of Public Local Laws, title "Allegany County," sub-

title "County Commissioners," to follow immediately after

section thirty and to be designated as sections "thirty A,"

and "thirty B." ........................................


No. 225. An act to provide for the indexing of the Senate jour-

nals, the bound volumes of the Senate printed bills, and

Senate documents in the office of the secretary of the Senate


No. 226. Au act for the assistance of the Home, and Infirmary

of Western Maryland in the city of Cumberland.............


No. 227. An act to repeal the fourth section oi the act of the

General Assembly of Maryland passed at January session,

eighteen hundred and ninety, chapter six hundred and

eight, entitled " An act to provide for State taxation on the

revenues of certain foreign corporations mentioned in this

act accruing from business done in the State of Maryland,"

and to re-enact the same with amendments ................


No. 228. An act to add an additional bectiou to article ninety-

five of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Treasurer,"

to be designated as section " Thirty." .....................


No. 229. An act to appropriate a sum of money to assist in

defraying the expenses incurred in electing a monument on

the battle ground of Autietam in this State, to the soldiers

of the Fifth Regiment Maryland Volunteers who fell in that

battle, and to mark the hite where the regiment fought. ...


No. 230. Au act to make valid the corporate name of the

"United Sons of Towsontown Lodge, Number Seventeen

Hundred and Seventy -Three, of the Grand United Order of

Odd Fellows," which might otherwise be deemed defective.


No. 232. Au act to amend chapter two hundred and eighty-

four of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed

at its January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two.

entitled "An act to incorporate the Baltimore, Hampden

and Lake Roland Railroad Company." ......................


No. 233. An act to pay the claim of J. H. Medairy and Com-

pany for stationery furnished the executive and legislative

departments, Court of Appeals and State library for 1891

and 1892 ...................................................


No. 234. An act to repeal sections 396, 397, 398, 399, 400. 401,

402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, of

article eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1015   View pdf image (33K)
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