No. 8.
Joint resolutions tendering the thanks of the State of Mary-
land to Commander Dennis W. Mullan, United States Navy, and
authorizing the governor to procure and present to him, as a tes-
timonial, a gold chronometer watch suitahly inscribed.
WHEREAS, Commander Dennis W. Mullan, U. S. Navy, a native
of this State, commanded the United States warship "Nipsic,"
during a critical period when confronted by a superior foreign
naval force, and discharged with heroism and ability the deli-
cate diplomatic duties that devolved upon him as a naval com-
mander, by resisting the imperious demands made upon him
by the commander of said naval force to surrender an American
citizen then under his protection on board of his said ship, and
in vindicating American rights by preventing an attempt by a
foreign power to search American vessels in the South Pacific
ocean; and
WHEREAS, Commander Dennis W. Mullan also commanded said
ship during the destructive and memorable hurricane in Samoan
waters, South Pacific ocean, in March, eighteen hundred and
eighty-nine, and with heroic bravery and nautical skill saved
his ship during said hurricane; and
WHEREAS, all of said services were perilous, demanding skill,
courage and ability as a naval commander, and said acts reflect
credit upon the American navy and upon his native State;
Be it resolved by the Getter al Assembly of Maryland, That the
thanks of the State of Maryland be and they are hereby tendered
to Commander Dennis W. Mullan for his unflinching courage
and gallant achievements in vindicating the rights of American
citizens and of American vessels in foreign waters, and for his
bravery and nautical ability, in saving his ship during the de-
structive hurricane in Samoan waters.
Resolved, That as a testimonial of the skilful, able and cour-
ageous manner in which Commander Dennis W. Mullan protected
and vindicated American rights, and the bravery and nautical
ability shown by him during the hurricane in Samoan waters, the
Governor of this State be and he is hereby authorized and directed
to procure and present to Commander Dennis W. Mullan, U. S. N.,
a gold chronometer watch, with an inscription as follows, to wit :
The State of Maryland to Commander Dennis W. Mullan, U. S.
N., for his heroism and gallant services in protecting and vindi-
cating American rights, and for the bravery and nautical ability
shown by him during the hurricane of eighteen hundred and
eighty-nine, in Samoan waters, South Pacific ocean."