No. 6.
Joint Resolution approving of the Quadri-Centennial commem-
orative of the discovery of America by Columbus, by a World's
Fair or Exposition at Washington under the control of the
national government.
WHEREAS, the history of Maryland is so closely interwoven with
the history of the country as to entitle her to be heard in the
expression of a preference as to where such exposition shall be
held, inasmuch as it was in the colony of Maryland that
civil and religious liberty and genuine independence were first
asserted and established on this continent; and Maryland as
one of the original thirteen States contributed its full share of
men and money to achieve the independence of the nation and
has in every hour of doubt or danger since, shirked no duty or
burden; it was her first governor who nominated George Wash-
ington as Commander-in-Chief of the American army; it was
upon her soil the definite treaty of peace was ratified by con-
gress; here Washington surrendered into the hands of the
people the commission under which he won our independence;
Maryland initiated the movement that led to the formation and
and adoption of that model for all people desiring a republican
form of government, the constitution, of the United States, and
that the independence for which she had so freely expended
her best blood and treasure, might be the better enjoyed; when
the general government was without money and almost without
credit, she freely donated to the nation, the District of Col-
umbia for the permanent location of the capital of the country
and advanced money for the erection of the public buildings ;
and inasmuch as Maryland will take an active interest in the
great American festival it is proposed to hold, and the visitors
attending the exposition will naturally desire to visit this
historic ground; in view of these facts,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
State of Maryland most heartily approves of the proposed Quadri-
Centennial anniversity celebration of the discovery of America by
Columbus, by the holding of a World's Fair or Exposition iin
Fair at
eighteen hundred and ninety-two, at the city of Washington