compliment paid them in the selection of the name of their city
for that of the cruiser, and in the recognition accorded the sons
of Maryland by the choice of captain W. S. Schley, as her com-
mander, who by his long and faithful service in the United States
navy has done credit to himself and honor to his native State.
Be it also resolved, That a cordial invitation be and is hereby
extended to honorable Benjamin F. Tracy, secretary of the navy
of the United States, to visit the city of Baltimore at some period,
during the stay of the cruiser Baltimore in the harbor of that city.
And be it further resolved, That a copy of this resolution, after
To for-
ward re-
being duly signed by the governor of the State, the president of
the senate and the speaker of the house of delegates, be forwarded
by the secretary of State to the honorable Benjamin F. Tracy, at
No. 5.
Joint resolution by the General Assembly of Maryland request-
ing the general government to refund to the corporate authorities
of Frederick city, Maryland, the sum of two hundred thousand
dollars, exacted of them by the Confederate' army under General
Jubal Early, July ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, under
penalty of burning said city.
WHEREAS, During the late war for the preservation of the Union,
the citizens of Frederick city, Maryland, were faithful and
obedient to the laws of the Union and the State, and by the
Federal compact the United States were bound to protect said
city of Frederick and its people against invasion and destruc-
tion of property; and
WHEREAS, the general government failed in its duty in the
premises, and in consequence thereof said Frederick city was
subjected to invasion by a large Confederate army under Gen-
eral Jubal Early, July ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
and a large ransom, namely, the sum of two hundred thousand
dollars in lawful money of the United States was levied and
demanded by the commander of the Confederate forces and
paid by said corporate authority July ninth, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, unto the representatives of said Jubal Early,
designated to receive the same, no part of which has been re-
paid or re-imbursed to said corporate authorities of Frederick
city, Maryland, entailing a grievous burden upon the loyal tax-
payers of a small community; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That our
senators and members of the congress of the United States from