peake and Ohio canal company, and for a decree of foreclosure
of the mortgage executed by the canal company under the act
of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, chapter fifty-eight,
affect most vitally the interests of this State; and
WHEREAS, if a receiver should be appointed and receiver's cer-
tificates should be issued for the purpose of raising funds to re-
store the canal, a heavy additional debt must necessarily be
created, which will take priority over the liens now held by this
State to the great prejudice of her claims; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that the rights and interests of the
State should be represented in said proceedings; therefore,
Be it resolved, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby
instructed to intervene in said proceedings in the name of the
Resist ap-
State of "Maryland, and to take such steps after consultation with
the board of public works, as may be necessary to resist the ap-
plication for a receiver, and the creation of any additional debt
to take precedence over the claims and liens of this State.
No. 3.
Joint resolution requesting the governor to issue a commission
to the honorable Ephraim K. Wilson, senator-elect in the congress
of the United States, from this State, for the term of six years,
from the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-one.
Be it resolved ly the General Assembly of Maryland, That his
excellency, the governor, be and he is hereby requested to issue a
commission in the usual form to the honorable Ephraim K. Wil-
Issue com-
son, as senator-elect to represent this State in the congress of the
United States, for the term of six years, from the fourth day of
March, eighteen hundred and ninety-one.
No. 4.
Joint resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland, request-
ing the secretary of the navy of the United States, to order the
cruiser "Baltimore" to the city of Baltimore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the hon-
orable Benjamin F. Tracy, secretary "of the navy of the United
States, be and is hereby respectfully requested to order the United
States cruiser Baltimore, as soon as compatible with her arrange-
ments to proceed to Baltimore, in order that the residents of that
city may have an opportunity to testify their appreciation of the