earning annual revenues sufficient to pay its ordinary current
expenses is wholly impracticable, and that a sale or lease of
said work is sooner or later inevitable; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable that some steps shall be taken by this
general assembly whereby provision can be made if possible for
a just and equitable settlement of the claims of the said pre-
ferred and repair bondholders under said acts of eighteen
hundred and forty-four, chapter 281, and eighteen hundred
and seventy-eight, chapter fifty-eight, respectively, at the same
time for some return to this State for her heavy investments
in said canal so as to save the same from total loss; and
WHEREAS, it is well known that for several months past the
board of public works have been prepared to receive and con-
sider proposals from any responsible bidders for the leasing of
said canal, and his excellency, the governor in his recent mes-
sage to this general assembly strongly recommends that such
lease shall be made; and
WHEREAS, legislation will be necessary to authorize and make
valid any such disposition of said canal and its works, and
until it is known whether any person or corporation can be
found with the necessary capital to enter into such lease, and
to carry out the proper covenants and terms thereof, such leg-
islation must be conjectural and inadequate, and may be wholly
ineffectual; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in
order to enable such necessary and proper legislation to be pre-
pared and enacted by this general assembly; the board of public
works be, and they are hereby directed to advertise in such public
to pro-
newspapers of large and general circulation as they deem proper,
for not less than twelve days for sealed proposals to lease said
Chesapeake and Ohio canal, and all its property of every descrip-
tion, lands, water-rights and franchises; the bids to be opened
by said board of public works at twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday
the fourth day of February, eighteen hundred and ninety, and to
be reported without delay to this general assembly for such action
thereon as shall be deemed expedient.
No. 2.