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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 829   View pdf image (33K)
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upon giving notice of his desire so to appeal within ten days from
the rendition of said judgment; and if said defendant shall file
with said justice, to be by him transmitted with the papers in
said case to said court, an affidavit made by the person so appeal-
ing before said justice, or before some officer empowered by law
to take acknowledgements of deeds, that said appeal is not taken
for delay and also a good and sufficient bond with one or more
securities, conditioned that he will prosecute said appeal with
effect and well and truly pay all rent in arrear and all costs in
said case before the justice of the peace and in the appellate court,
and all loss or damage which the landlord or lessor, his heirs,
personal representatives or assigns may suffer by reason of said
tenants holding over, including the value of said premises during
the time he shall so hold over, then the tenant or person in pos-
session of said premises may retain possession thereof until the
determination of said appeal; and in case the judgment of said
justice shall be affirmed, a warrant as aforesaid shall be issued to
the sheriff by the court so determining the same, who shall proceed
forthwith to execute the same; if the judgment of the justice
shall be against the lessor he shall have the right of appeal at any
time within ten days after said judgment shall have been rendered,
and the court to which such appeal is taken shall review said
cause and render such judgment as the justice ought to have
rendered; and if the judgment of said court shall be in favor of
the lessor, it shall issue a warrant to the sheriff for the restitution
of the possession of said premises as hereinbefore provided; in
case of appeal under this article the papers in the case shall be
immediately transmitted by the justice to the appellate court.
Approved April 8, 1890.


AN ACT to provide for the selecting, drawing and summoning

of jurors for Somerset and Worcester counties.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

That it shall be the duty of the clerks of the county commissioners

of Worcester and Somerset counties, to make out and file with the

clerks of the circuit courts for said counties, not less than twenty

days before the second regular terms of said courts, after each

and every general election held hereafter, a fair and complete list

of the male taxables or residents of said counties whose names ap-
pear on the tax-books thereof, and who are not known to said

List of

clerks to be under the age of twenty-five years; and to said list

so to be made and filed, the clerks shall append a certificate that

said list is fully and fairly made; and for making such lists the


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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 829   View pdf image (33K)
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