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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 830   View pdf image (33K)
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said clerks shall receive such compensation as the county com-

missioners shall deem right and proper, and for failure to perform

the duty hereby imposed, the said clerks shall forfeit and pay the
State a fine not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand

dollars in the discretion of the court, to be recovered by indict-

ment as for a misdemeanor, and shall be thenceforth incapable of

holding position as clerks to county commissioners.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the

judges of the circuit courts for said counties, not less than fifteen

days before the beginning of each term of the court at which

jurors are required to attend, in the presence of such members of

the bars of said courts as shall attend, notice of the time and

place having been given to said bar through the clerks of said

courts, to proceed to select from the list furnished by the clerks

To select

of said counties and from the poll-books of the several election


districts of said counties that shall be returned and filed in the

clerks office of said courts after any general election last held, a

panel that shall consist of the names of two hundred persons in

said counties fairly and impartially selected, of the age aforesaid,

by the judges, otit of the election districts of said counties in pro-

portion to the inhabitants or residents of each district, with special

reference to the intelligence, sobriety and integrity of such per-

son and without the least reference to political opinion; and of

the names of such persons so selected, a list shall be made and a

certificate appended thereto by said judges, that the said list of

names has been duly selected in conformity with and according

to the spirit of this act; and the said list and certificate shall be

filed with the clerks of said courts and by them preserved as other

proceedings of the court are kept.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when said list of names selected

as directed in the preceding sections is made and certified as herein.

provided for, immediately thereupon the judges of said courts in

the presence of the members of the bar as aforesaid, and such

other persons who may attend, shall cause all the names selected

and placed on the list as aforesaid, to be legibly written on ballots

of equal size and of same color and appearance, which shall be

closely folded and placed by said judges with their own hands,

immediately before the drawing herein provided for, into a cubi-

form box of the square of twenty-four inches, to be procured for


that purpose by the clerks of said courts under the direction of

of jurors.

said judges, and the said box shall have a number of compart-

ments to correspond to the number of election districts in the

respective counties, and the names of the persons selected as afore-

said shall be placed by the judges in the said compartments or

drawers of said box, which shall respectively bear the numbers of

the districts where the persons so selected shall respectively re-

side; and after so depositing the said ballots, the said box shall

be closed, and the judges shall cause the clerk or one of his

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 830   View pdf image (33K)
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