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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 828   View pdf image (33K)
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ernor and State's attorneys, shall be transmitted by mail to the

governor; and in case of elections for governor and State's

attorneys the said statements and certificates, instead of being

transmitted to the governor, shall in case of the governor be.

transmitted to the secretary of State, and in the case or the State's

attorneys, shall be transmitted to the judge of the court having

to issue

criminal jurisdiction in the circuit in which the State's attorneys


are respectively elected, and from the returns so made the gov-


ernor shall issue commissions to the different persons elected

according to the provisions of the constitution; the form of cer-

tificate prescribed by sections seventy and seventy-two of this

article shall be modified so as to conform to this section.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from

the date of its passage.

Approved April 8, 1890.


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments section four,

of article fifty-three, of the Code of Public General Laws, en-

titled" "Landlord and Tenant," sub-title "Tenants holding



SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That section four, of article fifty-three, of the Code of Public

General Laws, title "Landlord and Tenant," sub-title "Tenants

holding over," be and is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to

read as follows :

4. If upon hearing the said parties, or in case the tenant or

person in possession, shall neglect to appear after the summons
and continuance as aforesaid proof thereof being made, it shall

appear to the justice and be by him so found that the said lessor

had been in possession of the said premises so leased or demised,

that the said lease or estate is fully ended and expired, that due

notice to quit as aforesaid had been given to said tenant or person

ings where
tenants re
fuse pos-

in possession, and that he had refused so to do, the justice shall
thereupon give judgment for the restitution of the possession of


said premises, and shall forthwith issue his warrant to the sheriff

commanding him forthwith to deliver to the lessor, his heir,

executors, administrators or assigns, possession thereof in as full

and ample manner as the lessor was possessed of the same at the

time when the leasing or letting was made, and shall give judg-

ment for costs against the tenant or person in possession so hold-

ing over; any tenant who shall feel himself aggrieved by such

judgment of said justice shall have the right of appeal therefrom

to the circuit court for the county, or the Baltimore city court,

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 828   View pdf image (33K)
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