meeting for said board at a cost not to exceed three thousand
dollars, and may levy siich special tax (beyond said thirty-five
cents if necessary which may be levied under section.one hundred
and forty-six hereof,) on the assessable property of said town as
may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, and -
To provide
fire appar-
the next two sections hereof; provided, that the amount to be
tus, etc.
levied shall not in any one year exceed five cents on the hundred
dollars of such assessable value, and in no event shall more be so
levied than shall be actually necessary to pay the bonds to be
issued under the next section hereof, and to meet the" interest
156. To carry into effect the preceding section, the said presi-
dent and commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered, if
in their judgment they deem it expedient and proper, to issue on
the credit of the said town, bonds to an amount not exceeding
To issue
three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
to carry into effect the provisions of the preceding section, to be
redeemable at a period not exceeding twenty years from the date
at which they were issued at the discretion of said board at a
rate of interest not exceeding five per cent, per annum, payable
semi-annually, and the faith and assessable property of said town
are hereby pledged for the payment and redemption of the prin-
cipal and interest of said bonds; said bonds shall be of denomi-
nations to be determined by said board, and shall be signed by
the said president, sealed with the seal of said corporation, and
attested by, the secretary.
157. The said bonds shall be exempt from county and muni-
cipal taxation.
158. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with sections one
hundred and fifty-four A, one hundred and fifty-four B, and one
hundred and fifty-four C, and hereof, are hereby repealed.
159. Said president and commissioners shall have authority to
contract for the lighting of the streets and alleys of said town,
and they shall also have authority to contract with some respon-
Make con-
sible company, corporation or persons for a water supply for said
town, and shall have full authority to make and prescribe all
regulations, restrictions and penalties necessary and proper
thereto; president and commissioners shall not have authority
in making such contract to bind said corporation of Elktou, to
pay for said water supply a sum exceeding eight hundred dollars
annually; provided, that the authority to contract for water as
aforesaid, shall not be construed as giving said board power to
build or construct a system of water works at the expense or on
the credit of said town.
160. This act shall take effect from the date of its passage ;
but the president, and commissioners, and bailiff and all other
officers appointed by them now in office, shall continue in