and, provided, further, that in assessing any of the lands within
the town which may be occupied and used as farms or may be a
part or parts of farms, such lands shall be valued and assessed as
lots of four acres of ground with the buildings and improve-
ments thereon, and shall not be valued and assessed by the
number of acres.
148. The president and commissioners may from time to time
under such conditions as they may by their ordinances direct,
appoint such officers as they may deem necessary to carry into
effect their ordinandes; and as soon as practicable after their elec-
tion and qualification, shall annually appoint a town bailiff, who
shall continue in office until his successor has been appointed
and has qualified, but shall be subject to removal by said board
for neglect of duty, disobedience of its orders or malfeasance in
office, and shall have within said town all the authority of a con-
stable in making arrests and serving warrants; he shall preserve
order in said town, superintend all work being done for or by
said town corporation within its limits, obey and perform the
orders and ordinances of said board, have charge of and care for
the fire engines, apparatus and other town property; light, care
for and take charge of the street lamps of said town, and perform
such other duties as said board may prescribe, and as the entire
compensation for all the services which he shall render under
this act and said sub-title, and the ordinances and orders of said
board, he shall receive annually, a sum not exceeding five hundred
dollars; provided, that no person holding the office of bailiff
aforesaid, shall directly or indirectly, furnish teams, carts or
wagons for the use of said corporation during the term of which
he may be appointed.
153. Hereafter not less than three hundred dollars of the
annual levy by the county commissioners of Cecil county for
keeping in repair the highways in said county as may be levied
or taxed upon the assessed values of real and leasehold property
within the limits of said town, shall be annually turned over to
the said president and commissioners of said town by the county
Road levy.
commissioners aforesaid, and belong to and become part of the
income of said town, to be by said president and commissioners
of said town appropriated for the repair and improvement of the
public highways or streets within the limits of said town; and it
shall be the duty of the said county commissioners in esti-
mating for any annual levy, to ascertain what proportion of the
said levy is applicable alone to the construction and repair of
highways within said county.
155. The president and commissioners of said town are hereby
authorized to issue proposals and make contracts to build or
otherwise provide a suitable house for the storage of its fire
engines and apparatus and other town property, and a place of