commissioners fails to pay over any fine as aforesaid, upon con-
viction in the circuit court for said county he shall be fined
double the amount received and not paid over, and shall stand
committed till fine and costs are paid, and unless said fine is
remitted by the governor within sixty days from the date of the
conviction, one-half shall be paid to the school commissioners
and one-half to the county commissioners of said county.
SUB-SEC. 11. If any. defendant feels aggrieved by the judgment
of a justice of the peace trying any case under any of the sections
or sub-sections of this article concerning liquors, intoxicating
drinks or cider, he may appeal to the circuit court for said county,
upon entering into a recognizance to appear in said circuit court
as in other cases; but if he shall make oath that he is unable to
furnish requisite securities for his said appearance, he may have
the case reviewed by any judge of said circuit court under a writ
May ap-
habeas corpus; provided, that said judge is satisfied that such
defendant is unable to furnish such securities; and, provided,
that the said court will not be in session for more than ten days
from the filing of his petition, and provided, that the justice will
not be the personal recognizance of the party; in all cases when
an appeal is taken while the said court is in session, and the
record can be sent up before its adjournment, the appeal shall be
heard at such session, if the defendant appealing will deposit the
amount of the fine and costs, he may appeal and recognize at any
time within thirty days from the date of the judgment, and if he
appeals and recognizes within thirty days the money shall be
returned to him.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT to repeal section eighteen, of article thirty-six, of the
Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled
"Fees of Officers," sub-title "Criers," so far as the same applies
to Anne Arundel county and to enact a substitute therefor,
providing compensation to the crier of the circuit court for
Anne Arundel county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That section eighteen, of article thirty-six, of the Code of Public
General Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled "Fees of Officers,"
sub-title "Criers," be and the same is hereby repealed so far as
the same relates to Anne Arundel county, and the following is
enacted in lieu thereof, to apply to Anne Arundel county only: