person or firm has on his or its premises, any cider adulterated
as aforesaid, such fact shall be prima facie evidence of its being
there for sale; if the maker of any apple cider or the producer
of the fruit from which it is made, shall in any of said election
districts sell such cider on the premises where the cider was
Not sell
less that
made or the fruit was grown in quantities less than one gallon,
one gallon
or if he shall sell the same away from said premises in quantities
on pre-
less than five gallons, or if said maker or producer shall permit
any of the cider sold on such premises to be drunk anywhere
therein, he shall be fined not less than five nor more ten dollars,
and shall stand committed till fine and costs are paid, or for not
less than five nor more than fifteen days as prescribed by the court
or justice; if any person or firm or the members of any firm on
its premises in any of said districts shall violate any of the other
provisions of these sub-sections, such persons or the members of
such firm shall be fined not more than fifty dollars in the discre-
tion of the court or justice, and shall stand committed till fine
and costs are paid, or for not less than five nor more than thirty
days as the court or justice may direct.
SUB-SEC. 9. Upon the complaint in writing to any judge of the
circuit court or before any justice of the peace of Dorchester
county, made and signed by five reputable citizens of any election
district where any licensed dealer in apple cider (whether an in-
dividual or a firm) carries on business, that such dealer keeps a
disorderly house at his or its place of business, or that he or it
allows drunken and noisy or disorderly persons to congregate or
meet upon his or its premises, such judge or justice shall issue a
summons requiring said dealer to appear before him on some day
to be named therein, not more than six days from the date of such
summons to answer said complaint, and said case shall be heard
on said day or 011 some dav not more than five days thereafter,
unless for sufficient cause shown, the judge or justice shall post-
pone the hearing for another period not exceeding five days, and
if the complaint in the judgment of the judge or justice is sus-
tained the license of such dealer shall be cancelled, but nothing
herein shall prevent the said dealer from being tried for keeping
a disorderly house or for any other offense under any of the sec-
tions or sub-sections of this article.
SUB-SEC. 10. All fines imposed under these sub-sections shall
be paid over to the sheriff of said county when a case is tried in
the circuit court or to the justice of the peace who tries the same,
and such justice or sheriff shall pay over the fines to the school
commissioners of said county within thirty days after receiving
how dis-
posed of.
the same, and if within sixty days from the date of the convic-
tion, the governor does not remit fine, it shall be applied for the
use of the public schools, but'if the sheriff or the said justice wil-
fully or without the written consent of the treasurer of the school